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ICYMI: New Gxneboy track!

In case you missed it: Gxneboy dropped a new track last Sunday!

It's a beautiful little lo-fi number, available now on your favorite streaming platforms! It's also available to purchase digitally on iTunes – and will soon be available to purchase digitally here on our webshop as well!

Please check it out, it's an incredible track that's perfect to have on loop in the background while you're working, gaming, or driving.

Stream on Spotify:

Stream on Apple Music:

Stream on YouTube:

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Misfortune Meetup: Ludibrium

The MSF boys are out on the town!

They met up in Ludibrium, but what will they get up to? Make sure to catch one of the boys streaming so you can find out what they're up to!!


MSF × Cinch Gaming!

We're excited to announce we recently became affiliated with Cinch Gaming and the #ControllerGang!!

This means you can use code MSF for 5% off your entire order on any non-discounted Cinch Gaming item.

Cinch make EXCELLENT custom controllers, so we're happy to partner with them to bring their controllers to you! So make sure if you're looking for a new controller to use code MSF at checkout so you can save some money while showing your support for the team!

We're glad to be a part of the #ControllerGang, and we hope to make the most of our affiliation.

Thanks for reading!


Regarding the CML

Recently, there has been a lot happening with the CML.
As it turns out, unbeknownst to us while registering with the CML, there were actually a lot more moving parts than there appeared to be. The inner structure of the CML was actually a lot more fragile than it seemed, and leadership turnover seemed incredibly high.

After some recent events came to light, the CML has taken a pretty severe hit and as a result will be reforming – requiring teams to register again, new staff members to apply, and basically rebuild the league from the ground up. Some of the competitive rules seem to be changing as well, but we're not exactly sure to what degree.

As a result of all of this, Misfortune will be stepping away from competitive Combat Master for an indefinite period until this potentially fixes itself, or collapses.

We still plan to host community events, and content surrounding the game of course, but our venture into the competitive scene is going to be put on the backburner while the league attempts to rebuild. – Hopefully it goes well and we can re-register for the league in the future!

Just wanted to let everyone know, since we've also removed the mentions of our CML team from the site. We still encourage players to come out to our community events, and to hang in while Alfa Bravo is working on Season 2!

Which items should be in the Summer collection?

This poll won't be the sole decider, but it will help us narrow down some decisions!

Choose whatever you like, and just know that the potential items in the upcoming collections may include multiple popular items from this and future polls.

Box Logos (Logo Collection 2) 
Custom Art Prints by Hurt 
Kelp Merch 
More Typical Merch 
More Gxneboy Merch 
1 vote
Final results
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AyeTypical Collection Update

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Misfortune 2.0 is Live!!

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Misfortune enters Esports!

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Almost done my YouTube outro card!

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